- December 3rd, 2020 : Sending of the call for papers.

- January 5th, 2021: Proposal for the organization and management of a workshop

- February 21st, 2021: Reception of paper proposals by the Scientific Committee

- February 21st, 2021: Communication intentions to present papers at the doctoral workshop

- March 21st, 2021: Notification to authors of acceptance of their intention to communicate

- March 15th, 2021: Deadline for submission of applications for the 2020 Thesis Award /

Opening of the conference registration https://airmap2021.scienceconf.org

- April 30th, 2021 : Reception of full papers

- May 20th, 2021: Deadline for registration to the conference https://airmap2021.scienceconf.org

- May from 26th to 28th, 2021: AIRMAP CONFERENCE

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